Personal attention is one of the benefits of Rodent Academy and other IPM Experience House classes. Here Dr. Corrigan advises during a rodent problem-solving session.
Registration for our Fall Rodent Academy is now open. One of our most popular courses, this class is based on the popular New York City Rodent Academy. The 3-day course will be held at the Texas A&M AgriLife Center at Dallas on December 11-13. Special guest trainer for the training is nationally recognized “rodentologist”, Dr. Bobby Corrigan. Bobby will lead the class through a highly focused, science-based approach to managing rodent populations through IPM.
Goals for the course include improved management of rodent populations through better understanding of the biology, behavior, and habitat of rodents; helping students better understand factors that contribute to rodent infestations; and training students to develop better site-specific problem solving skills and more effective communication with customers.
This year’s class is sponsored by Target Specialty Products.
Who Should Attend?
This course is intended for pest management professionals, municipalities, universities, public schools, and food safety personnel involved in rodent control programs. This is an advanced course, so students should ideally have a basic understanding of rodent control principles. The Academy is not designed, or appropriate, for new-hire training. We suggest that supervisors, managers, and owners attend the class with the intent to be better prepared to teach their own employees.
The course will include both in-class and field training components. Instructors include Dr. Bobby Corrigan, Janet Hurley (AgriLife Extension), Sylvia Kenmuir (Target Specialty Products) and Emory Matts (Rentokil). Classroom topics include:
- Health significance of rodents
- Rodents and allergens
- Biology and behavior of rodents
- Overview of Integrated Pest Management
- Pesticide labels and federal regulations
- Exterior bait boxes – what, where, how?
- Alternative tools & techniques for rat control
- Mouse IPM in apartment/private homes
- Rodent control
Hands-on, field training will involve small group interaction at real field sites. Topics addressed by the group will include:
- Evaluating the account: what to look for
- Proper placement of bait stations and snap traps
- Rodent exclusion techniques
- Site-specific best management practices
Tuition for the 3-day class is $300, which includes cost of a class notebook, other handouts, snacks and lunches. Registration and a detailed class agenda is available here.
Course Requirements
Students should plan to attend all days of the class. To receive a certificate of Rodent Academy Completion, each student will be expected to:
- Participate in all class activities
- Complete two homework assignments
- Participate in a field trip that involves team work and team analysis
Note that class size is limited to 30, but we will keep a waiting list. Any companies who miss getting into this class will remain on the waiting list for inclusion in subsequent Academies.